Where to go for support after rape or sexual assault

This page focuses on where to go for additional support whether or not you choose to report the crime and is separate to any police investigation.

As a useful resource to read in your own time, I’d recommend this self help guide published by The Havens. It clearly explains the reasons I was feeling a certain way as well as common but lesser known threat reactions during a rape or sexual assault that I could really relate to. 

On my journey I reached out to Rape Crisis who put me on their waiting list for therapy, but it’s worth noting that the wait can be a few months. I also went through my GP who offered specialist PTSD therapy with a shorter waiting list. My advice would be sign up to these resources even if you think you may not want them. If you later change your mind and decide you do want their help you’ll be glad to not to be placed at end of the waiting list. If your turn on the list comes around you can always say no, and the next person in the queue will usually get your place instead.

To get started quickly and avoid waiting lists you may choose to go down the private route. If you don’t have access to relevant health insurance you can pay for these sessions yourself, they are usually around £60-80 per hour. The BACP is a good directory where you can search for therapists near you.

I started therapy prior to the trial and have continued.

The charities, groups and organisations below can provide specialist information and support. 

Victim Support

A national charity dedicated to helping anyone affected by crime – not just victims and witnesses, but friends, family and anyone else caught up in the aftermath.

Rape Crisis

A national charity offering confidential help, advice and a range of Rape Crisis Centres around the UK.


A national charity providing advice and support to members of the LGBT community.

Survivors UK

A national charity supporting men who have been raped or sexually assaulted.


A national charity with a free helpline for reporting crime anonymously.


Refuge supports women, children and men with a range of services, including refuges, independent advocacy, community outreach and culturally specific services.

Women's Aid

Women’s Aid is a national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children.

Men's Advice Line

Confidential helpline for men experiencing domestic violence from a partner or ex-partner (or from other family members).

Rehab 4 Addiction

A free helpline and resource hub for people suffering from drug and alcohol addiction.